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Geological Preparation

The focus of geological preparation lies in the preparation and of the annual excavations in the Messel Pit as well as in the preparation of the fossils found there. The processing and securing of objects for the collection and for the permanent and special exhibitions is of high importance in everyday work. The crocodile finds of the historical Messel collection are an example of this.

The geological preparation engages a female taxidermist, a male taxidermist and a female museum technical assistant. Two volunteers from the International Youth Community Service spend a voluntary social year in the monument conservation of the World Heritage Site Messel Pit.

The series of images provides insights into the preparation of a find from the Messel Pit:

Zoological Preparation

Zoological preparation includes all activities that transform a formerly living animal into an exhibit that can be collected and displayed. This includes, among other things, the lifelike positioning of animal bodies. Essentially, all living beings, from small insects to large mammals, are prepared in principle before entering the collection. For the 16-meter-wide Biodiversity Wall at the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, more than 800 objects were processed – from hummingbirds to coelacanths. The tasks of zoological preparation also include the control and conservation of the preserved specimens, as well as the construction of artificial landscapes.

The image series shows the creation of a tadpole model, Scinax fuscovarius, on a scale of 30 to 1:

1. Vorbereitung des Grundkörpers für das Abgußmodell


Michaela Kurbel (Zoological Preparation)

Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 3601-273

N.N. (Geological Preparation)

Die Haupthalle im Eingangsbereich des Hessischen Landesmuseums

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